Sunday, November 4, 2012

Longhorns Still Alive in Race For Big 12 Championship

Still in Race         Record    Yesterday's result, Remaining Schedule

Kansas State        6-0          vs OSU(W), at TCU, at BU, vs Texas
Oklahoma            4-1          at ISU (W), vs BU, at WVU, vs OSU, at TCU

Texas                    4-2          at TTU (W), vs ISU, vs TCU, at KSU

Oklahoma State 3-2         at KSU(L), vs WVU, vs TTU, at OU, at BU

TCU                       3-3          at WVU(W), vs KSU, at UT, vs OU

Texas Tech          3-3          vs UT (L), vs KU, at OSU, vs BU (Arlington)

West Virginia     2-3          vs TCU (L), at OSU, vs OU, at ISU, vs KU

Iowa State          2-4          vs OU(L), at UT, at KU, vs WVU

Baylor                  1-4          vs KU (W), at OU, vs KSU, vs TTU (Arlington), vs OSU

Kansas                 0-6          at BU (L), at TTU, vs ISU, at WVU

After upsetting instate rival Texas Tech in Lubbock yesterday, the Texas Longhorns are back in the saddle and kept their slim Big 12 Championship hopes alive.  For Texas to win the Big 12 Championship (Best-Case Scenario):

1. TCU beats both Oklahoma and Kansas State

2. Oklahoma State beats Oklahoma in Bedlam Series

3. Texas wins out: They beat Iowa State, TCU and Kansas State.

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