Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Manning Replaces Tebow As Denver's Starting Quarterback

Peyton Manning, the Future
Hall-of-Famer, was introduced
in Denver this afternoon
A mere two months ago, a youthful quarterback named Tim Tebow led his Denver Broncos to an amazing upset of the Steelers in the playoffs, but the man is now out of his job.  How is this possible after the incredible journey he took us on last season?  The Peyton Manning sweepstakes ended in Denver, Colorado earlier today as Manning signed a 5 year, $96 million contract with the team and was introduced at the team's facilities.  Although Tim Tebow led Denver on an incredible journey last season, he is currently out as the team's starting quarterback because Peyton Manning replaces him at the position.

So what's the future of TebowMania now that he is no longer the Broncos' starting quarterback? A report out of Denver stated a trade to the Dolphins, Jaguars, Packers, Jets, or Patriots is expected in the near future.  It may seem unfair to Tebow after the great 2011 season he had, but hopefully he'll find a franchise that supports him.  Most likely he'll head home to Florida, so he can join either the Dolphins or Jaguars.  Although Miami makes the most sense because it has more talent to offer him, Jacksonville is Tebow's hometown and would support him til he dies.

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